Thu 09 Jan
HAPPY HOLIDAYS open 24HRS $80 full 1/hr SPECIAL ✦ EXCLUSIVE ✦ THERAPY ✦ pleasing ladies - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
Hey guys I'm back! Call me anytime ask about my specials! 9415392002 - 25
(Sarasota, Central Sarasota)
Hey boys im back im town looking for a good time text me at 941-254-6274 - 25
(Sarasota, sarasota clark rd)
Mature woman looking for ADULT work "EXPERIENCED" - 55
(Sarasota, Sarasota /Tampa/Naples/Miami area)
XOXOXO !!!!! Highest Rated in Town and Back in Business!!!!! XOXOXO - 37
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Bradenton)
Fun, pretty, Sweet Petite Jen! . I missed you too much and am back for our pleasure!!! - 36
Fantasy Friday! Call me about my specials..941 565-4861 - 28
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Bradenton In or Out)
🌹🌹🌹Don't miss out on the best looking girls in town🌹🌹🌹 - 19
(Sarasota, Five Star Spa/ Five Star Service😉)
Eva is back!!!!Russian model for Upscale gentlemen, 100% real pics!!! - 26
(Sarasota, Sarasota near Downtown incall + outcalls)
Fridays Are The Best Here. Best Looking Girls In town; and Best Flat Rates.... - 21
(Sarasota, 1417 Cortez Rd Bradenton Fl 34207)
>>>>>>>>>> ||2|| Sexy Girls ||4|| Amazingly Talented Hands...... {{All Over YOU}}
(Hillsborough Co, busch gardens)
☆★☆★ AVAILABLE NOW!! ▶TUESDAY MoRning◀ SPECIAL's 4-incall & REPEAT client's (call4details)☆★☆★ - 25
(Sarasota, BRADENTON/ i-75 & s.r 64/exit 220B)
~~B E A U T I F U L ~~~~~ P A S S I O N A T E ~ ~~~~F U N L O V I N G ~~~~A M A Z I N G `~~~~~ - 42
Wed 08 Jan
SPECIALS 70ROSES come and get the best experience with this crvy sexy redhed wanting to play - 24
(northport venice charlotte Englewood, Sarasota)
💦 Open Late 💦 NEW GIRLS JUST ARRIED 💦 💎 Jenika 💎 Sofia 💎 Carmen💎 Victoria 💎100%real pics 💦 - 20
(Bradenton,Florida, Sarasota)
*#1Beau👀tyLiCiouS* *BAHAMA*MAMA* *AFFORD*ADORABLE* *Amaz'n*ASS*ets! *Xp💯%Bliss! *YUM!ComeGetThis! - 31
(Pinellas Co, PRVTBtonHOMEoff i75onSR64ItsWORTHeDrive!, Sarasota, Tampa)
------ I T' S ----- S U P E R ----- S A T I S F A T I O N ----- S A T U R D A Y ----- RITE NOW - 28
(Sarasota, Out or In)
Amateur & Beginner Female Models 18-22 Wanted $5000+ - 30
(Lakeland, Sarasota, Tampa, Las Vegas Tampa)
»++++ TUESDAY SPECIAL(60) AVAILABLE ALL DAY :offering outcalls:: ווו - 25
(Sarasota, off i-75 @ st rd 64/exit 220B)
When I'm good i'm very good, but when I'm bad I'm better. Private Adult Rolelay...New Location - 27
(Sarasota, Sarasota, Gulf Gate)
***NEWBIE*** But well experienced come enjoy a nite n LONDON¤:) - 21
(Sarasota, St Rd 64 & general Bradenton/Sarasota)
GRAND OPENING TODAY!! SPA Excellence HOT NEW STAFF! $100/hr Private, Upscale DRUG FREE - 18
(Sarasota, Bradenton)
* * Casual Evening ** AVAILABLE TODAY ** Chase * * #941.320.3519 - 30
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Bradenton (Near Airport))
Tampa Incall Only 10am/4pm Mature Tan/Tone 36DD Blonde 125 Lbs 5'6" T3R 148394 Fetish Friendly - 46
(My Discreet Gated Home In Tampa Only, Sarasota)
*SPECIALS* Relax & unwind w Beauty B4 Stressful Holidays begin * Special 15 mins*~ *941~ 822-1867 - 39
(Sarasota, Incall close to Sarasota Airport- Outcal)
S E X Y_________C O L L E G E________G I R L___________W A N T S_______T O_________PLAY! ! ! - 21
~Tuesday Let's Play!!~ **Hourglass Beauty** ~Outcall~ - 25
(Sarasota, Sarasota, Venice, Port Ch, Outcall)
NEW NUMBER! Jana the Sweet Girl Next Door wants to get WILD today in North Port! - 28
(Fort Myers, North Port private residence, Sarasota)
Do you want love and Tendernes or do you want something else just ask Gia 941-225-0581 - 24
NEW PICS!!! Geⓝⓣⓛεⓜεⓝⓢ ⓒⓗⓞⓘⓒε★∵ ✨†hї§ ї§ Ѡh@† → 💦FLORIDA's REAL GIRLs💧 d®εam§ a®ε madε ◎f ✨ - 24
(Sarasota, venive/ north point)
o© {LET} °o© {MY} °o© {BODY} °o© {DO} °o© {THE} °o© {TALKING } °o (New Pix) - 20
------ H A V E ----- A ----- F R I D A Y ----- N I G H T ----- F A N T A S Y ----- AVAIL NOW - 28
(Sarasota, Out or In)
Fulfill Your Fantasies With Me! Fantasy Friday Special All Day! ! Available Now! (941)565-4861 - 30
(Sarasota, Sarasota / Bradenton)
19+ years, 1200+ Adult Models, Highest weekly model Payroll $$Adult$$ Print/Web/Video
(Fort Myers, Lakeland, Sarasota, Tampa, USA)
You gotta get some of this real lovin 1oo sp 18 in or out 5'9 Dont miss out.Up all Night! - 18
(Sarasota, Sarasota Bradenton Venice)
🍫🎥 💟Ebony California Princess !! Big Booty 🏪Mouthwatering Pleasure 🅱🅰🅱Y❗️😉💟RIGHT N0w🆙🎥 Specials🆙✨ - 19
(Bee Ridge/i75, Sarasota, 🏪😍, Fort Myers, Hernando Co, Lakeland, Sarasota, Tampa)
Delectable Debauchery..cuddling, spooning, kissing, intimacy...imagine ..ahh visiting 10/10 -10/13 - 53
(Sarasota, TBD)